Monday, January 28, 2008

Duck The Celebrity Sleaze-o-meter

Hey ducklings,

Take it from me I've been in this business long enough to know that a lot of celeb's are sleazy and especially lately.

My first Sleaze-O-meter profile is Amy Winehouse

Listen, I'm all for the partying lifestyle and hell I've lived it but this gal takes the cake for being a little over the top. Amy is not the first ducklings, believe me. I remember another singer/songwriter who was on the verge of super stardom but was too fucked up and incoherent to realize it, that was Rickie Lee Jones . Rickie had just released her first album and had a huge hit called "Chuckie's in Love" and she was ready for a huge breakout but she was on the booze and smack and actually arrived at her first Grammy awards totally in the bag. She was nominated for several awards and won for "Best New Artist" but fell up the stairs when she went to receive her award, how sad.

I just read that Ms. Winehouse was planning on still attending the Grammy's while she's going through detox. Do yourself and us a favor Amy and sit tight in that rehab and try and get that habit kicked. I mean really, a cat eye and an up do is not enough to keep you cool Amy.....Girl I know you've got talent but a talent for needles isn't needed unless you're sewing a fabulous frock. We all know you can sing your ass off so get back to basics and realize that rehab is the only answer, ask Rickie girl, she'll tell you....

The Sleaze-O-meter is a tool to rank Celebrities and other Pop Culture peeps when they are not living up to their full potential....

The meter works like this:A 1-5 ranking, one being the least Sleazy to 5 being the most Sleazy. If anyone scores a 5 this means that I feel there is no hope left and they pretty much are really sleazy and therefore should not be celebrated any longer.

I'm giving Amy Winehouse a 4 on the Sleaze-O-meter which is out of 5

A 4 ranking means that Amy has a glimmer of hope and may become less sleazy if she gets a new boyfriend, kicks her drug habit for at least for 6 months and washes her wigs more often.

I'm keeping tabs on you Amy....



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